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Are you interested in going through formal recruitment this fall? 


Here is some basic information on how the process works, and what happens on each day of formal recruitment.


On this first day, potential new members will travel to each sorority houses on campus to learn about each of the organizations. The evening after Spirit Day each girl will attend her first “Post Office” session with her Rho Gammas, to choose which houses she wishes to return to the following day. The dress for Spirit Day is casual.

On this day, the potential new members get the opportunity to talk with more members of each house, and get a better feel for what each house is like. They also get to learn more about each sorority’s philanthropy and are given the opportunity to make some sort of craft or other project that directly benefits that house’s philanthropy. After the second day, the potential new members attend their second “Post Office” to privately rank their decision. The dress for Philanthropy Day is snappy casual.


Values Day
Values Day is a day meant to build strong relationships between potential new members and sorority women.  Sharing ones values enables women to create connections with one another based on what is important to them. On this day, potential new members will also receive a tour of each house.

Preference Day

Preference Day is the most sentimental of all the days in formal recruitment. On Preference, each sorority puts together their own special and private ceremony honoring past, present, and future members of their house. Each sorority has very different and meaningful Preference rituals. The new members visit only two houses on Preference, and from there, they rank their top three. The dress for Preference night is a bit more dressy, usually girls wear a dress of some sort.

Bid Day

The day after preference is the day all of the potential new members and sorority women meet at The Rock to find out which houses all of the potential new members now belong to. Once everyone is gathered, each potential new member is delivered a bid card by her Rho Gamma. After receiving their bid, all of the potential new members open their cards and run to their house.  Bid day is very exciting, and it is the first chance each new member gets to meet all of the girls in her new pledge class.

Fall 2017 Recruitment Dates:

September 10th - Spirit Day Pt. I

September 11th - Spirit Day Pt. II

September 16th - Philanthropy Day

September 17th - Values Day

September 18th - Preference Day

September 19th - Bid Day







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For more information about recruitment, please contact our recruitment chair: 

or click here to sign up!  

Check out our Fall 2016 Bid Day video!

@2016 by Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Pi Chapter

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